Train - Bruises

Autor/s: Patrick Monahan, Espen Lind, Amund Bjørklund
Cantant: Train (feat. Ashley Monroe)
CD: California 37
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Balls associats: Bruises


Haven't seen you since high school
Good to see you're still beautiful
Gravity hasn't started to pull
Quite yet I bet you're rich as hell

One that's five and one that's three
Been two years since he left me
Good to know that you got free
That town I know was keeping you down on your knees

These bruises make for better conversation
Loses the vibe that separates
It's good to let you in again
You're not alone in how you've been
Everybody loses, we all got bruises
We all got bruises

Have you seen him? Not in years
How about her? No but I hear
She's in Queens with the man of her dreams
Funny back then she said that about you

Que sera you'll never guess who I saw
Remember Johnny B remember him we were best friends practically
Let's do this soon again, ten years is that what it's been?
Can't believe how time flies by
Leaving you makes me wanna cry

These bruises make for better conversation
Loses the vibe that separates
It's good to let you in again
You're not alone in how you've been
Everybody loses, we all got bruises
We all got bruises

I would love to fix it all for you
I would love to fix you too
Please don't fix a thing whatever you do

These bruises make for better conversation
Loses the vibe that separates
It's good to know you've got a friend
That you remember now and then
Everybody loses

These bruises make for better conversation
Loses the vibe that separates
It's good to let you in again
You're not alone in how you've been
Everybody loses,everybody loses, everybody loses
We all got bruises, We all got bruises, We all got bruises


No t'he vist des de l'època de l'institut
És bo de veure que segueixes guapa
La gravetat no ha començat a apretar
I a més diria que ets rica del cagar

Un en té cinc i l'altre tres
Han passat dos anys des de que ella em va deixar
És bo de saber que t'has alliberat
d'aquella ciutat que et feia estar agenollat

Aquests blaus permeten millors converses
Perd l'ambient que separa
M'agrada deixar-te entrar de nou
No estàs sol/a en com has estat
Tothom perd, tots tenim blaus
Tots tenim blaus

L'has vist a ell? No, des de fa anys
I ella què? No, però n'he sentit a parlar
Ella viu a Queens amb l'home dels seus somnis
És curiós, anys enrere ella deia això de tu

"Que sera" no diries mai a qui vaig veure?
Recordes en Johnny B? El recordo, érem com els millors amics gairebé
Tornem-ho a fer aviat, de veritat que fa 10 anys d'això?
És increïble com vola el temps
Deixar-te em va venir ganes de plorar

Aquests blaus permeten millors converses
Perd l'ambient que separa
M'agrada deixar-te entrar de nou
No estàs sol/a en com has estat
Tothom perd, tots tenim blaus
Tots tenim blaus

M'encantaria arreglar-ho tot per tu
M'encantaria arreglar-te també
Sisplau, no arreglis res, facis el que facis

Aquests blaus permeten millors converses
Perd l'ambient que separa
És bo saber que tens un amic
Que recordes tota la vida
Tothom perd

Aquests blaus permeten millors converses
Perd l'ambient que separa
M'agrada deixar-te entrar de nou
No estàs sol/a en com has estat
Tothom perd, tots tenim blaus
Tots tenim blaus, Tots tenim blaus, Tots tenim blaus