Alan Jackson - Home

Autor/s: Alan Jackson
CD: Here in the real world
Balls associats: ---


In a small town down in Georgia over forty years ago
Her maiden name was Musik til she met that Jackson boy
They married young like folks did then, not a penny to their name
But they believe the one you vow to love
Should always stay that same

And on the land his daddy gave him, a foundation under way
For a love to last forever or until their dying day
They built a bond that's strong enough to stand the test of time
And a place for us to turn to when our lives were in a bind

And they made their house from a toolshed
Grandaddy rolled down on two logs
And they builts walls all around it
And they made that house a home
They taught us 'bout good living
They taught is right and wrong
Lord there'll never be another place
In this world I'll call home

My momma raised five children, four girls then there was me
She found her strength with faith in God and love of family
She never had a social life, home was all she knew
Except the time she took a job, to play a bill or two

My daddy skinned his knuckles on the cars that he repaired
He never earned much money but he gave us all he had
He never made the front page but he did the best he couold
And folks drove their cars from miles around
To let him look underneath the hood



A una petita ciutat de Georgia fa uns quaranta anys
El seu nom de soltera era Musik fins que va conèixer el noi dels Jackson
Es van casar joves com es feia aleshores, sense un quarto
Però confien en que aquell a qui estimes
Sempre serà el mateix

I dins del tros que el seu pare els va donar, van posar-hi una primera pedra
per un amor que duri per sempre fins el dia de la mort
Van fer-hi una caseta prou forta per aguantar el pas del temps
i un lloc perquè nosaltres poguéssim anar sempre que tinguéssim algun problema

I van fer la seva casa a partir d’un cobert
El meu avi el va dividir en dos
Van fer-hi parets al voltant
I van fer d’aquella casa una llar
Ens van ensenyar a viure
Ens van esenyar el bé i el mal
Mai trobaré un altre lloc
dins d’aquest món a que digui llar

Ma mare va pujar 5 fills, quatre nenes i després jo
Va trobar la fortalesa en la fe i en l’amor a la família
Mai va fer vida social, la llar és tot el què va conèixer
Excepte els cops que va agafar alguna feina, per pagar una factura o dues

Mon pare es va pelar els artells amb els cotxes que reparava
Mai va guanyar molts diners, però ens va donar tot el què tenia
Mai va fer res especial, però sempre va fer el millor que podia
I la gent conduia els seus cotxes ben lluny
Per veure’l a ell a sota
