Mark Chesnutt - Think like a woman

Autor/s: Desconegut
CD: Savin' the honky tonk
Balls associats: 32 miles, Thank you


I’m standin’ with somethin’ in my hand that don’t look too flower like.
she slammed the pretty part in the door jam left me and the stems outside.
on my way back from fishin’ I thought if brought a dozen roses home.
she’d smile when I told her there was one for each day that i’d been gone.

I tried to think like a woman.
find out where that pretty head was at.
I tried to think like a woman.
but I don’t guess a woman thinks like that.

I’m underneath the window with my guitar in the back yard soakin’ wet.
she poured what I’m afraid might of been toilet water on my head.
and I thought when she heard this song I wrote her on my way back into town.
it would cool her off but it appears it worked the other way around.


I’m just gettin’ comfortable in the dog house
when she pulls the curtains and I see her peakin’ out.
well I lay here lookin’ sad a while.
sufer some and then she smiles.
it’s all slowly dawnin’ on me now.

tried to think like a woman.
where she wanted me was right where I was at.
I tried to think like a woman.
if I was sweet thought she’d cut me some slack.
oh, but I don’t think a woman thinks like that.

I know she don’t.


M’estic dret amb una cosa a la mà que no s’assembla gaire a una flor.
Va donar un cop de porta i ens va deixar a fora a mi i als fills.
Tornant de pescar em pensava que, duent-li una dotzena de roses,
ella riuria quan li digués que n’hi havia una per cada dia que havia estat fora

Intentava pensar com una dona
Intentant saber on estava el cantó bonic
Intentava pensar com una dona
Però no crec que una dona pensi així

Estic sota la finestra de la part del darrera, xop i amb la meva guitarra.
M’havia tirat pel cap el que em temo que era aigua del vàter
I jo creia que quan ella sentís aquesta cançó que li vaig escriure tornant a la ciutat
Es calmaria però sembla que tot ha funcionat a l’inrevés


Em començo a sentir còmode a la caseta del gos
Quan enretira les cortines i la sento cridar
M’estiro aquí amb cara de pena una estona
Pateixo una mica i després ella riu.
Sembla que la cosa s’arregla.

Intentava pensar com una dona
Jo estava just a on ella volia que jo fos.
Intentava pensar com una dona
Si fos una mica més dolç potser ella no em lligaria tant curt.
oh, però no crec que una dona pensi així.

Sé que ella no ho fa