George Strait - Love without end, amen

Autor/s: Aaron Barker
CD: Strait from the heart
Balls associats: ---


I got sent home from school one day with a shiner on my eye
Fightin' was against the rules and it didn't matter why
When dad got home I told that story just like I'd rehearsed
Then stood there on those tremblin' knees and waitin' for the worst

And he said...

let me tell you a secret about a father's love
A secret that my daddy said was just between us
He said daddies don't just love their children every now and then
It's a love without end, amen
It's a love without end, amen

When I became a father in the spring of '81
There was no doubt that stubborn boy was just like my father's son
And when I thought my patience had been tested to the end
I took my daddy's secret and passed it on to him

I said...

Repeat Chorus

Last night I dreamed I'd died and stood outside those pearly gates
When suddenly I realized there must be some mistake
If they know half the things I've done, they'll never let me in
Then somewhere from the other side, I heard these words again

And they said...

Repeat Chorus


Un dia vaig tornar de l'escola amb un ull de vellut
Barallar-se anava contra les normes i no importava perquè
Quan el pare va tornar a casa li vaig explicar tota la història tal com l'havia assajat
I em vaig esperar allà, amb els genolls tremolosos, esperant el pitjor...

I ell em va dir...

T 'explicaré un secret sobre l'amor d'un pare
un secret que mon pare em va dir que era només per nosaltres dos
Em va dir que els pares no només estimen sempre als seus fills
El seu és un amor infinit
El seu és un amor infinit

Quan vaig ser pare l'estiu del 81
No hi havia cap dubte que aquell noi rebel era com el fill del meu pare
I quan creia que la meva paciència havia arribat al final
Vaig agafar el secret de mon pare i vaig passar-li a ell

Vaig dir-li...

Repetir la tornada

Ahir vaig somniar que em moria, estava davant de les portes del cel
Quan de sobte vaig adonar-me que alguna cosa no rutllava
Només que haguesin sabut la meitat de coses que he fet, no em deixarien entrar
Llavors a algun lloc de darrera la porta, vaig tornar a sentir aquelles paraules

I em van dir...

Repetir la tornada