David Ball - Riding with Private Malone

Autor/s: Thom Shepherd i Wood Newton
CD: Amigo
Balls associats: ---


I was just out of the service thumbing through the classifieds,
When an ad that said: "Old Chevy" somehow caught my eye.
The lady didn't know the year, or even if it ran.
But I had that thousand dollars in my hand.

It was way back in the corner of this old ramshackle barn.
Thirty years of dust and dirt on that green army tarp.
When I pulled the cover off, it took away my breath.
What she'd called a Chevy was a sixty six corvette.

I felt a little guilty as I counted out the bills.

But what a thrill I got when I sat behind the wheel.
I opened up the glove box and that's when I found the note
The date was nineteen-sixty-six and this is what he wrote:

He said: "My name is Private Andrew Malone;
"If you're reading this, then I didn't make it home.
"But for every dream that's shattered, another one comes true:
"This car was once a dream of mine, now it belongs to you.
"And though you may take her and make her your own,
"You'll always be riding with Private Malone."

Well it didn't take me long at all, I had her running good.
I love to hear those horses thunder, underneath her hood.
I had her shining like a diamond and I'd put the rag top down,
All the pretty girls would stop and stare as I drove her through town.

The buttons on the radio didn't seem to work quite right;
But it picked up that oldie show, especially late at night.
I'd get the feeling sometimes, if I turned real quick, I'd see,
A soldier riding shotgun in the seat right next to me.

It was a young man named Private Andrew Malone,
Who fought for his country and never made it home.
But for every dream that's shattered, another one comes true:
This car was once a dream of his, back when it was new.
He told me to take her and make her my own.
And I was proud to be riding with Private Malone.

One night it was raining hard, I took the curve too fast.
I still don't remember much about that fiery crash.
Someone said they thought they saw a soldier pull me out;
They didn't get his name but I know without a doubt:

It was a young man named Private Andrew Malone,
Who fought for his country and never made it home.
But for every dream that's shattered, another one comes true:
This car was once a dream of his, back when it was new.
I know I wouldn't be here if he hadn't tagged along;
That night, I was riding with Private Malone.
Oh, thank God, I was riding with Private Malone


Tot just estava fora del servei fullejant els Classificats
Quan un anunci que deia "Old Chevy" d'alguna manera em va cridar l'atenció
La senyora no sabia l'any, ni tant sols si corria.
Però jo tenia els mil dòlars a la mà.

Estava darrera, a un racó d'aquell
graner destartalat.
Trenta anys de pols i brutícia en aquella lona de l'exèrcit.
Quan vaig enretirar-la el cor em va fer un bot.

El què ella deia Chevy, era un Corvette del seixanta sis

Em sentia un pèl culpable mentre contava els bitllets
Però quina emoció vaig tenir quan em vaig seure darrera del volant
Vaig obrir la guantera i va ser llavors quan vaig trobar la nota
la data era mil noucents seixanta sis i això és el què ell va escriure-hi:

Deia: "Em dic Private Andrew Malone;
"Si estàs llegint això vol dir que no vaig arribar mai a casa.
"Però per cada somni que trontolla n'hi ha un que s'esdevé:
"Aquest cotxe va ser un somni meu i ara et pertany a tu.
"I per molt que l'agafis i te'l facis teu ,
"Sempre estaràs conduint amb Private Malone."

No em va costar gaire engegar-lo i corria bé.
M'encanta sentir cridar els cavalls, sota la seva capota.
El tinc brillant com un diamant i li passo el drap per tot arreu,
Totes les noies boniques s'aturaran i miraran mentre condueixo per la ciutat.

Els botons de la radio sembla que no acaben de funcionar;
Però vaig posar un oldie show, sobretot tard a la nit
Vaig tenir el sentiment algun cop de que si feia anar el botó depressa veuria,
un soldat al seient de la dreta, al meu costat.

Era un home jove que es deia Private Andrew Malone,
Que lluità pel seu país però mai tornà a casa.
Però per cada somni que trontolla n'hi ha un que s'esdevé:
Aquest cotxe va ser un somni seu, abans, quan era nou.
Em va dir que l'agafés i me'l fes meu.
I estic orgullós de conduir amb en Private Malone.

Una nit plovia fort, vaig agafar una corva massa ràpid.
Continuo sense recordar gaire com va anar l'accident.
Algú em va dir que van veure un soldat treient-me del cotxe;
No van averiguar-ne el nom, però jo no en tinc cap dubte que:

Era un home jove que es deia Private Andrew Malone,
Que lluità pel seu país però mai tornà a casa.
Però per cada somni que trontolla n'hi ha un que s'esdevé:
Aquest cotxe va ser un somni seu, abans, quan era nou.
Sé que no estaria aquí si no se m'hagués enganxat
Aquella nit conduia amb en Private Malone.
Oh, gràcies a Déu que conduia amb Private Malone.