Dwight Yoakam - Guitars, cadillacs

Autor/s: Dwight Yoakam
CD: Guitars, cadillacs, etc.
Balls associats: Lost in Texas


Girl, you taught me how to hurt real bad and cry myself to sleep.
You showed me how this town can shatter dreams.
Another lesson 'bout a naive fool that came to Babylon,
And found out that the pie don't taste so sweet.

Now it's guitars, Cadillacs and hillbilly music,
And lonely, lonely streets that I call home.
Yeah, my guitars, Cadillacs, hillbilly music,
The only thing that keeps me hanging on.

There ain't no glamour in this tinselled land of lost and wasted lives.
And painful scars are all that's left of me.
Want to thank you girl for teaching me brand new ways to be cruel,
And if I can find my mind now, I guess I'll just leave.

And it's guitars, Cadillacs and hillbilly music,
Lonely, lonely streets that I call home.
Yeah, my guitars, Cadillacs, hillbilly music,
The only thing that keeps me hanging on.

Oh, it's guitars, Cadillacs and hillbilly music,
Lonely, lonely streets that I call home.
Yeah, my guitars, Cadillacs, hillbilly music,
The only thing that keeps me hanging on.

It's the only thing that keeps me hanging on.
It's the only thing that keeps me hanging on.


Noia, em vas ensenyar com ferir de debó i fer-me plorar amargament.
Em cas ensenyar com aquesta ciutat pot destruir somnis.
Una nova lliçó sobre un estúpid ingenu que va anar a Babylon,
i va descobrir que el pastís no era tant dolç.

Només hi ha guitarres, Cadillacs i música hillbilly,
I carrers solitaris que són casa meva.
Les meves guitarres, Cadillacs, música hillbilly,
La única cosa que em fa tirar endavant.

No hi ha gens de glamour en aquesta terra pobre de vides gastades i perdudes.
I de mi només en queden cicatrius doloroses.
M'agradaria agraïr-te que m'ensenyessis noves maneres de ser cruell,
I si ara pogués trobar la meva ment, crec que senzillament marxaria.

Només hi ha guitarres, Cadillacs i música hillbilly,
I carrers solitaris que són casa meva.
Les meves guitarres, Cadillacs, música hillbilly,
La única cosa que em fa tirar endavant.

Només hi ha guitarres, Cadillacs i música hillbilly,
I carrers solitaris que són casa meva.
Les meves guitarres, Cadillacs, música hillbilly,
La única cosa que em fa tirar endavant.

La única cosa que em fa tirar endavant.
La única cosa que em fa tirar endavant.